Weather In Torrevieja, Average Temperatures & Forecasts
The weather in Torrevieja along with it's close proximity to the Mediterranean Sea are two of the principle reasons for Torrevieja's continued popularity with tourists and holidaymakers. The mild temperatures all year round makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain and a highly desirable location for those looking to purchase property in Torrevieja. The Costa Blanca municipality of Torrevieja was originally a small fishing town made famous for it's salt mining but was upgraded to City status back in 1931 by the then King of Spain (Alphonso XIII). The Salt Lakes of Torrevieja (Las Salinas de Torrevieja) have contributed largely to the healthy micro-climate now enjoyed by it's residents and the City has recently been recognised as being one of the healthiest in Europe.
What Makes The Weather Torrevieja Ideal?
Much of the Costa Blanca and indeed the relatively small City of Torrevieja along with the entire area of the Vega Baja del Segura are shielded from bad weather by the Mountains of Alicante. The mild temperatures on the Vega Baja are largely assisted by the protection the mountains offer, the Alicante mountains help to keep the warmer climate air inside the Vega Baja while fending off storms and other bad weather fronts.
Average Yearly Temperatures In Torrevieja
The temperatures in Torrevieja on average are pretty warm throughout the entire year with the temperatures never dropping below around 11°C (52 F). The coldest months are January, February and December, when temperatures on average are between 11-12°C (52-54F). March sees a gradual increase in temperatures through April then arriving in May with summer well on it's way and average temperatures hitting 18°C. June, July, August and September are by far the hottest months in Torrevieja, please note that the temperatures below are only based on averages, it's common for the thermometer's to read well in excess of 30°C and over 40°C in July and August and at times into September also.
Average Yearly Rainfall In Torrevieja
Below is a chart that highlights the average rainfall in Torrevieja in both millimetres and average days of rain in that calendar month. The fact that there is very little rainfall in the hotter months is probably not suprising to most, what is especially interesting is that the highest rainfall occurs in October as temperatures start to cool down.
The reason why October sees the most rainfall on average is due to a weather phenomenon in Spain known as a "Gota Fria" or "Cold Drop" in English. A Gota Fria occurs when a cold low or a pocket of cold air from the colder temperatures over the Pyrenees Mountains meets with the warmer climate air in Spain. The effects of a Gota Fria can be extremely violent and normally associated with heavy downpours and high winds which can sometimes reach up to 120mph.
Torrevieja 10 Day Weather Forecast
Below you can view the latest 5 and 10 day weather forecasts for Torrevieja and some extra links to get a more detailed outlook for the upcoming weather in Torrevieja.