
Energy Efficiency Certificate

Energy Efficiency Certificate



Energy Efficiency Certificate

A required document to sell your property in Spain

What is it? Energy Efficiency Certificate is a required document for all properties that are advertised for sale or rental. It is mandatory from the 1st June 2013.

Fines: Not having the document can incurr a fine between 300€ and 6.000€, as stated in the Real Decree 235/2013. How long is it valid for?  The Energy Efficiency Certificate is valid during the period of 10 years.

What does it provide? It provides you with the information about the energy consumption of your property, the options to reduce the energy costs including the implementation and the savings. You could obtain grants to finance the improvements in energy efficiency of your property and its refurbishments.

How to process it?

Energetic Efficiency Certificate


Energetic Efficiency Certificate Prices

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